SCIO Update

Automated KLT transports: Test installation of the AMC-L at KESSEL AG

Written by 4am Robotics | May 21, 2024 6:15:00 AM

The prospects for intralogistics are developing very impressively at 4am Robotics: Our 6-axis arm robot AMC-L has successfully passed the customer-specific tests at Kessel AG, a renowned German manufacturer of drainage technology products.

The aim was to automatically transport the customer's containers for small parts (KLTs) to the various workstations and to ensure efficient cooperation between man and machine.

The test sequence was as follows:

Preparation and Mapping

The AMC-L was transported to the site within the production facility, where the mapping of its working environment started. The process, which was completed in less than four hours, involved the precise mapping and analysis of the spatial conditions and the identification of potential navigation points for the AMC-L.

Manual Loading

The KLTs were manually placed on the AMC-L's tableau by a logistics employee. The mobile cobot has a capacity of up to 8 crates on its shelves, in this case 6 small (20x30 cm) and 2 large KLTs (30x40 cm), each with a maximum weight of 4 kg.  


Job instructions

During the test week, the job instructions were created manually by our employees and sent to the AMC-L for reasons of efficiency. These contained information about which production platform to target and to which position on the shelf the KLT should be delivered. A connection to the internal logistics system is planned for later productive operation.

Autonomous navigation and delivery

After receiving the request, the AMC-L started moving and autonomously delivered the small load carriers to the designated shelf location on the production platform. Navigation took place freely along the contours within the production hall.

Empties removal and buffer rack

If KLTs could not be deposited in the rack, a table served as a buffer. After delivery, two boxes of empties were also picked up from a defined empties shelf. Any KLTs still on the table were unloaded manually by the AMC-L at the end of the process.

The successful test installation illustrates the efficiency of the AMC-L in intralogistics. Thanks to the seamless integration into the existing production process at KESSEL AG, KLTs could be transported and placed efficiently.

The mobile cobot not only proved its navigation skills, but also its smooth cooperation with the manual work processes. 4am Robotics is looking forward to further optimizing this innovative solution and using it in the intralogistics of other companies in the future.


Ready for Industry 5.0? We support you in revolutionizing your warehouse operations! The future of intralogistics is now - contact us and find out how the AMC-L can take your intralogistics to the next level!

Watch the successful test setup in the video now!


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